Sharing Jesus, Our Hope
Homilies, Talks, and Presentations from Father Phil
We found 9 episodes of Sharing Jesus, Our Hope with the tag “jesus”.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time A
October 25th, 2020 | 21 mins 37 secs
authentic love, counterfeit, fr. phil ching, greatest commandment, heart, jesus, mind, neighbor, pope francis, soul, strength
Jesus points to two commandments as being the greatest commandment: to love God with your heart, with your soul, and with your mind... and to love your neighbor as yourself. But what does this love look like? And how do we know we are living in that kind of love He calls us to?
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time A
August 6th, 2020 | 13 mins 12 secs
effort, empowered, eucharist, fr. phil ching, grace, holy spirit, jesus, razzle dazzle, song and dance, time, value
"Why spend your money for what is not bread; your wages for what fails to satisfy?" How easily we fall for the "song and dance", being lured by what claims to offer fulfillment but fails us in the end. Fr. Phil talks about how our life with Jesus and what we do for our faith will never be a waste of our time.
Feast of Our Lord's Ascension - Year A
May 27th, 2020 | 8 mins 20 secs
ascension, focus, fr. phil ching, jesus, looking forward
To move forward, we have to look forward. This applies especially to how we live for God. Fr. Phil explains how often we get bogged down with earthly things because we aren't taking the time to focus our sights on Jesus.
4th Sunday of Easter - Year A
May 4th, 2020 | 8 mins 56 secs
baptism, dn. tracy esper, good shepherd, jesus, life, name, sheep, truth, vocation, way
Deacon Tracy shares how much we are in need of a shepherd like Jesus who is and will always be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Good Shepherd who reaches out to us, His sheep. He seeks out the strays and leads the lost to Eternal Life. While His voice does not give up on us, it is we who often choose not to hear His voice. Following Jesus also means discerning one's vocation in life.
Sunday of Divine Mercy - Year A
April 20th, 2020 | 20 mins 43 secs
blood, confession, divine mercy, eucharist, feast of mercy, forgiveness, fr. phil ching, indulgence, jesus, mercy, st. faustina, water
Fr. Phil shares a few of the things Our Blessed Lord Jesus gave to St. Faustina from her book, Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul. Jesus established this day to be a Feast of Mercy for all souls. Mankind will not have peace unless it turns to Jesus with humble and contrite hearts and ask for His mercy. Jesus' unfathomable mercy is for all who trust in Him and seek Him with full heart.
Jesus our Hope: RESCUED, Part I
March 22nd, 2020 | 24 mins 2 secs
ambush predator, crucifixion, fr. phil ching, jesus, kinsman redeemer
Amidst the really bad news that the devil and hell exist, God in His unique and relentless love for us hatched a plan for our rescue. Fr. Phil zeroes in on the significance of Jesus and the Cross, and the amazing love that propelled Him toward our salvation.
Jesus our Hope: CAPTURED, Part II
March 15th, 2020 | 18 mins 38 secs
fr. phil ching, freedom, hell, holy spirit, jesus, meditation, st teresa of jesus
What does it mean to be separated from God? Does that equate to freedom? Fr. Phil guides us through part two of CAPTURED that includes an experience of St. Theresa of Jesus and what it means for us to leave His commands and precepts.