Sharing Jesus, Our Hope
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
125 episodes of Sharing Jesus, Our Hope since the first episode, which aired on February 18th, 2020.
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
May 29th, 2022 | 18 mins 56 secs
Jesus, after walking the earth for 40 days after His resurrection, ascended into Heaven. Why? Wouldn't it have been better for us to have Him here as He was present to the disciples post-resurrection?
5th Sunday in Easter C - First Holy Communion
May 15th, 2022 | 6 mins 57 secs
Jesus says that people should know we are His disciples if we have love for one another. How does this love tie in to the greatest gift of all in the Holy Eucharist?
5th Sunday in Easter C
May 15th, 2022 | 21 mins 20 secs
Jesus said that love for others is necessary to be a disciple of Jesus, but what does that love look like and what does it involve?
Easter Vigil C
April 30th, 2022 | 17 mins 16 secs
3rd Sunday in Easter C
April 30th, 2022 | 15 mins 31 secs
Understanding the relationship of Jesus and Peter provides hope for us!
Good Friday of the Lord's Passion
April 30th, 2022 | 14 mins 44 secs
Easter Sunday - 9:00 AM Holy Mass
April 30th, 2022 | 15 mins 52 secs
Easter Sunday - 10:30 AM Holy Mass
April 30th, 2022 | 24 mins 39 secs
Sunday of Divine Mercy C
April 30th, 2022 | 9 mins 6 secs
Mass of the Lord's Supper C
April 14th, 2022 | 18 mins 47 secs
Jesus said that He "earnestly desired" to eat the Passover with His disciples. Why is that?
4th Sunday in Lent C
March 27th, 2022 | 18 mins 10 secs
The Heart of the Father is revealed in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. He is full of mercy.
2nd Sunday in Lent C
March 15th, 2022 | 15 mins 36 secs
Jesus is clearly identified as the Son of the Beloved Father in the glorious episode of the Transfiguration. Yet, His identity does not spare Him from the sufferings of the world. If you and I are baptized and share in the inheritance of Jesus Christ, being recognized as the beloved of the Father, how can we expect to be spared from suffering? Yet, there is good news. Not all suffering is the same and there is some suffering that Jesus desires us to be free from and receive deliverance and healing!
1st Sunday in Lent C
March 6th, 2022 | 15 mins
Jesus is the fulfillment of our joy. Lent is about receiving that joy by letting go of the things that tie us to this world.
Healing of Families: Five Cardinal Points & Four Access Points
March 2nd, 2022 | 58 mins 10 secs
To understand why something like the Healing of Families can happen, I share Fr. Yosefu's five cardinal points that relay essential truths to grasping how this is possible and what he identifies as four access points that the enemy uses to wreak havoc in our lives.
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time C
February 27th, 2022 | 15 mins
None of us like to be gypped; yet the works that we are called to do in the Name of the Lord Jesus do not go unnoticed.
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time C
February 19th, 2022 | 14 mins 11 secs
The Beatitudes of Jesus as presented in Luke talks to us about the blessings and the woes. Such a contrast is made to let us know the way to life and the way to death. Jesus gives no other option. If we want to have life with Him, we can't be letting the spirit of the world govern our goals in life. It is the Holy Spirit that gives life.